Towards sustainable and resilient agriculture


Agricultural and food transition

Contribute to the transformation of agricultural and food systems, through the establishment of a demanding and constructive dialogue between internal and/or external stakeholders, particularly between economic actors and civil society actors, to meet the challenges of social and environmental justice.

Concerned actors

Local authorities and public institutions


Professional federations and interprofessions

Civil society organizations

Producers and agricultural cooperatives

Key fields of action




Fishing and aquaculture

Research and innovation

Health and Environment



• Monitoring of the expectations and arguments of civil society actors
• Studies/diagnosis to specify the stakes of a sector of activity in the short, medium and long term
• Mapping the influence and positioning of external stakeholders


• Designing and leading consultations between economic or institutional actors and civil society actors: identifying the conditions for success, strengthening points of agreement, forcing disagreements to be overcome
• Design and facilitation of internal and external stakeholder panels/committees
• Design and facilitation of working groups with internal stakeholders (strategic seminars, management committee facilitation, etc.)


• Design and formulation of strategies or charter of commitment
• Operational support for the implementation of commitments, action plans and specific projects
• Business/NGO partnership strategy
• Evaluation of strategies and/or projects

Examples of achievements