Towards sustainable supply chains


Transition of value chains

Act to protect ecosystems and communities linked to the production and extraction of key resources, through the implementation of sustainable and responsible procurement practices.

Concerned actors


Producers and agricultural cooperatives

Key fields of action

Responsible sourcing

Due diligence

Humans Rights

Circular Economy

Forests preservation

Research and innovation



• Analysis of environmental, social, market and reputation risks
• Comparative analysis and prioritisation of commodities and/or origins
• Supply chain investigations to increase transparency to origin
• Benchmark of stakeholder expectations and positioning of payrolls and/or suppliers
• Mapping of secure flow solutions and responsible initiatives
• Analysis of materiality


• Definition of the responsible sourcing policy and/or commitments
• Design of roadmaps and/or operational specifications at global and commodity level
• Implementation of responsible governance systems and auditing practices at different levels of the chain
• Design and facilitation of international stakeholder dialogues
• Support for reporting and responsible communication of progress
• Support for the design of advocacy strategies on specific issues


• Support for risk monitoring and grievance management in the sectors
• Design of new tools, mechanisms and purchasing scenarios
• Creation and implementation of assessment tools and supplier engagement processes
• Support for the deployment of source security solutions (including certification)
• Development and evaluation of responsible field projects connected to the chain
• Facilitation of research & innovation projects
• Promotion and/or facilitation of collaborative initiatives at the sector or industry level

Examples of achievements