Transitions supports private and public actors to accelerate ecological and social transitions
our vision
The climate crisis, the collapse of biodiversity, the accumulation of pollution, the depletion of resources and the aggravation of social tensions on an international scale make it necessary to profoundly transform consumption patterns, production systems and forms of territorial organisation. To face these challenges, Transitions put together a team of committed consultants with complementary skills to accompany actors on the path to sincere and ambitious change, in France and around the world
We have chosen to work with actors in their diversity - companies and professional federations; farmers, cooperatives and agricultural interprofessions; public institutions and local authorities; civil society actors - because we are convinced that the advent of more responsible and supportive lifestyles, and therefore more sustainable, necessarily involves a systemic approach to change.
Let's build together strategies and practices that respond to these multiple challenges!
We have chosen to work with actors in their diversity - companies and professional federations; farmers, cooperatives and agricultural interprofessions; public institutions and local authorities; civil society actors - because we are convinced that the advent of more responsible and supportive lifestyles, and therefore more sustainable, necessarily involves a systemic approach to change.
Let's build together strategies and practices that respond to these multiple challenges!
What we are trying to achieve

Mitigate climate change and facilitate adaptation

Preserve ecosystems, biodiversity, water and soil

Protect fundamental human rights and promote social justice
Action levers
Our expertises to support the ecological and social transition

Adaptation to climate change

Circular Economy

Sustainable management of resources

Agricultural and food transition

Low carbone transition
Actors concerned by our missions
Local authorities and public institutions
Professional federations and interprofessions
Civil society organizations
Producers and agricultural cooperatives
Fields of action
Examples of key issues we work on
Responsible sourcing
Urban planning and development
Climate change
Due diligence
Humans Rights
Circular Economy
Mineral Extraction
Fishing and aquaculture
Forests preservation
Research and innovation
Health and Environment
They talk about us