Our team of multidisciplinary and committed experts
Transitions has over 35 employees
Our team is composed of collaborators with national and international backgrounds, experts in strategy consulting, supply businesses and issues, as well as in the energy, agricultural and food transition of territories and organizations.
An agricultural engineer, Valentin is specialised in project management and the support of agricultural sectors towards more responsible practices. He contributes to the analysis of supply chains, in particular through the question of the sustainability of agricultural practices and regenerative agriculture.
Valentin Grabet
Project Manager
As a chemical engineer specialising in the engineering of natural active ingredients, Lenaïg has expertise in the consumer goods sector, more specifically applied to cosmetics
Lenaïg brings expertise in exploring innovative solutions and improving the sustainability of our clients' ingredients and supply chains.
Lenaïg Benjamin
Project Manager
Senior Project Manager - Forestry Expert
Xavier Rossi
Senior Project Manager
As an expert in responsible sourcing, international market dynamics and stakeholder engagement, Jane led the sourcing team in the implementation of strategic and operational missions aimed at transforming practices on commodity risk chains.engagement, Jane led the sourcing team in the implementation of strategic and operational missions aimed at transforming practices on commodity risk chains.
Since 1 January 2023, she has taken over the general management of Transitions
Jane Tousco
General Manager
Devenu expert dans le domaine de la transition énergétique territoriale, Baptiste participe à l’accompagnement et à l’animation de plusieurs réseaux de territoires. Il aborde les sujets liés à la transition énergétique de manière transversale et adapte son approche en adéquation avec ces enjeux et le territoire concerné. Il contribue aussi aux travaux de recherche-action menés par Transitions sur les complémentarités et la coopération entre territoires urbains et ruraux.
Baptiste Arnaud
Senior Project Manager
Lyes assists territories in the elaboration of their energy transition strategies: animation of territorial networks on energy-climate issues, realization of renewable energy development studies, elaboration of ecological transition strategies for various structures. He is particularly interested in studies on the impact of the energy transition on employment and the economy. He is also a Citergie consultant.
Lyes Ait Mekourta
Project Manager
With a dozen years of experience working with organic food companies, Marion is in charge of the administrative and financial management, and the follow-up of human resources. she oversees the daily life of the teams and the other support functions of the company, notably office management and communication.
Marion Leveque
Administrative and financial Director
With over 10 years' professional experience in consulting, sustainable corporate sourcing strategies and the development of Nature-based Projects,
Alice supports companies in the development of their forestry policies, the implementation of virtuous agricultural practices in their agricultural sectors and the reduction of social and environmental risks linked to their mineral sectors.
Alice Artigues
Projects Director
Specialized in the management of urban and territorial ecological transition projects, Adrien assists local authorities in their climate change adaptation strategy and their energy transition, in particular by leading networks of territories around energy-climate issues. He contributes to the integration of these issues in urban planning and development.
Adrien Dombis
Project Manager
With a decade of experience in public policies and territories, Apolline accompanies public actors in their energy and ecological transition strategies. She leads numerous missions requiring the mobilization of territorial stakeholders in order to build shared transition projects. As a specialist in urban planning and development, she opts for a broad vision combining ecological issues and urban planning.
Apolline Faure
Deputy Director
Pendant une dizaine d'année au sein du Réseau Action Climat France, elle était en charge de la thématique agriculture-alimentation et changements climatiques.Diane accompagne aujourd’hui différents acteurs dans l’élaboration de leurs stratégies de transition agricole et alimentaire, et dans des processus de concertations de dialogue parties-prenantes.
Diane Vandaele
Senior Project Manager
With significant experience in environmental services, Ariane contributes to the development of strategies with our key clients as well as to the operational and strategic management in support of the teams. Elle pilote notamment l'initiative ASD (Action for sustainable derivatives) depuis sa mise en place.
Ariane Denis
Deputy Director - Sustainable Sourcing